Thursday, Aug. 1 – Milky Way star clusters (all night)

With the moon out of the sky, this week’s extra-dark evenings will be ideal for exploring the countless knots and clumps of stars distributed along the Milky Way, many of which were included in Charles Messier’s list of bright deep sky objects. 

Scan around the southern sky with binoculars first, and then take closer looks at them through a backyard telescope at low magnification. Particularly good clusters include Messier 39 and the Cooling Tower Cluster (Messier 29) in Cygnus, the Wild Duck cluster (Messier 11) and Messier 26 in Scutum, the Sagittarius Star Cloud (Messier 24), and Ptolemy’s Cluster (Messier 7) and the Butterfly Cluster (Messier 6) in Scorpius.

What I See… A mountain perspective by Forrest Whitman